Monday, July 21, 2014

C++ - Custom Tooltip

Custom tool tip C++ class implements multiline and multicolor tool tip, which can be used to present different information, in several lines, using various colors:

CPP and H file can be reviewed and downloaded from following locations: source and header. The class is MFC dependent. Use of the class is simple:

void CCustomChartControl::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
  COLORREF color1, color2, color3;
  CString strText1(_T("")), strText2(_T("")), strText3(_T(""));

  // initialize colors and texts
  // ...

  if (m_pWndToolTip == NULL)
     m_pWndToolTip = new CCustomToolTip();
     if (!m_pWndToolTip->Create(this))
         TRACE(_T("Couldn't create tool tip window!"));    

  if (m_pWndToolTip != NULL)
     m_pWndToolTip->UpdateText(strText1, strText2, strText3,
         true, true, true,
         true, true, true,
         color1, color2, color3,
In method CCustomToolTip::UpdateText you can set texts with three different colors and visibility types (visible/not visible).